
Let the Loving Eyes of Your Pet Make You Smile Every Morning

Are the eyes of your four-legged friend inflamed, red and swollen? You shouldn't assume the puppy is allergic to dust or that something hit their eye. Such symptoms could indicate other serious underlying problems. So you should take your puppy to a veterinarian to know the cause of their troubled eyes and the treatment they should get. Here are signs indicating that all isn't well with your puppy's eyes: Eyes Are Dull

How to Stop Your Dog from Getting Kidney Stones

Has your dog suffered from kidney stones before? Do you own a breed that's predisposed to kidney stones, such as a bulldog or a shih tzu? Whatever the case, taking the necessary precautions to prevent kidney stones is an important part of keeping your pooch healthy. These stones can cause a variety of problems, ranging from pain and weight loss to a fatal urinary obstruction, so it's crucial that you keep them at bay.

How to Care For Your Dog After a Tooth Extraction

Like humans, dogs can feel a bit sore and out of sorts after they have a tooth removed. However, your dog won't really understand what has happened. It is likely to need some extra help from you to get over the extraction and to start the healing process. What do you need to know? Your Dog May Need Rest Your dog needs time to get over the anaesthetic it was given during its dental procedure.

Vet Emergency – Symptoms That Indicate Your Pet Is In Crisis

All pets are vulnerable to falling sick. However, since this can happen at the most inconvenient times, you may be thinking that your pet can weather the illness overnight and then you can take them to the vet first thing in the morning. While this may be alright with minor ailments that will not jeopardise their health, it is critical to note that some symptoms will require immediate attention. And if you are a first-time pet owner, you may not know how to tell the difference.

Stone Cold: What Are Struvite Bladder Stones, And How Can They Be Removed From A Dog's Bladder?

You and your dog are very genetically distinct (despite the phenomenon of owners looking like their dogs), but despite this biological disparity your dog can suffer from some health problems that bear a close resemblance to those found in many humans. For example, bladder stones are a condition that can affect both dogs and their owners, and just like human bladder stones, canine bladder stones can be painful, debilitating and even deadly if left untreated.