Desexing Your Pet: What To Expect From the Vet

It's a common misconception that desexing a pet is as simple as getting them 'fixed'. In fact, the process of desexing a pet is much more complex than most people realise. If you're considering having your pet desexed, it's important to have an understanding of what to expect from the vet and what will happen to your beloved friend during this process.

What Does Desexing Involve?

Desexing involves cutting off the reproductive organs of both male and female animals. In male animals, this means neutering or castrating them. This procedure involves removing the testicles and/or penis from the male in order to prevent them from being able to reproduce. Neutering is also referred to as 'fixing' because it prevents these animals from being able to breed with other animals.

This procedure is referred to as spaying or ovariohysterectomy (OHE) in female animals. It involves removing the ovaries and uterus of female pets in order to prevent them from being able to reproduce. Spaying has many additional benefits, such as reducing the risk of certain cancers, eliminating heat cycles for female pets, and reducing aggressive behaviour in both sexes.

When Should You Have Your Pet Desexed?

It's generally recommended that you have your pet desexed by the time they are six months old. This ensures that they cannot reproduce before they are ready and reduces their risk of developing certain illnesses or cancers later in life. However, you may need to wait until some larger breeds are much older so that their bones can finish developing properly before undergoing surgery. It is important that you speak with your veterinarian about when the best time would be for your particular pet.

What Happens During Surgery?

Before any surgery can take place, the vet must administer general anaesthesia so your pet does not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure itself. Once your pet is under anaesthesia, veterinarians will thoroughly examine your pet, including checking their heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature, etc., before beginning surgery. They will then make an incision into your pet's abdomen, where they will remove either their testicles or ovaries, depending on their sex. They will then close up the incision using staples or sutures that will dissolve over time once healed.

After the procedure is complete, all postoperative instructions should be followed closely for recovery to go smoothly and without complications like infection or inflammation at the incision site.

What You Should Do Next

Desexing a pet can bring many benefits, including reduced aggression and mating behaviours as well as reduced risk of cancer or other illnesses later on in life. Of course, it's not unusual for an owner to worry about these procedures, but they are commonplace. They will typically have a very high success rate, and following a relatively short recovery period, your furry friend should return to normal. But if you have any further questions, don't hesitate to talk to your vet about pet desexing
