3 Foods That Could Harm Your Dog

If you own a dog, you probably enjoy giving it the occasional treat to reward it for good behaviour or because it is looking at you with its puppy dog eyes. While there is no harm in giving your dog the occasional treat, it is important to understand that certain foods can pose a serious risk to your pet's health and wellbeing.  Below is a guide to three foods that you should never feed to your dog.

Sugar-Free Candy

As more people become aware of the damaging impact of sugar on their dental health, they are switching to sugar-free candy. However, sugar-free candy often contains an artificial sweating agent called xylitol. Xylitol is safe for human consumption, but it is extremely toxic to dogs. When a dog ingests something containing xylitol, its blood sugar will begin to drop which can lead to medical emergencies such as comas, seizures, organ failure and ultimately, death.


Whether it's smashed avocado on toast, avocado egg salad or grilled avocado and chicken, this fruit is becoming an increasingly popular option for many Australian families. However, while avocado is a tasty and healthy option for humans, it isn't a good choice of food for your dog. Avocados contain a toxin called persin. Persin is very harmful to dogs and can cause diarrhoea and vomiting. While persin is not typically fatal, it could place older dogs in danger because of the effects of dehydration.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are a fantastic snack for humans, as they provide vital fats which help to keep your body healthy. However, macadamia nuts can be very harmful to your dog. The exact reason for this is not yet fully understood by veterinary science, and the level of harm can vary from animal to animal, with some dogs hardly showing any symptoms of poisoning while others suffer medical emergencies. The symptoms of macadamia nut poisoning include:

  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Poor co-ordination

Macadamia nuts can be found in a wide range of baked products, so it is important that you carefully check the label on any baked cakes or bread before feeding them to your dog.

If you believe your dog may have eaten one of the foods listed above, you should immediately take them to the vet for emergency treatment. Do not delay as this could place your dog's life in danger. You should take along a sample of the food so your vet can work out the best course of action.
